
Forecast for today, 29.04.2024

Sunny and warm

Sunny and warm

High pressure and warm air masses will determine the weather.

Sunny weather in the whole region, only a few clouds.

Maximum temperatures between 18° and 25°.

Mountain weather: Sunshine

High pressure and warm air masses will determine the weather.

Conditions on the mountains are good, mostly sunny conditions.

Sunrise: 06:04
Sunset: 20:22

Forecast for tomorrow, 30.04.2024

Sun and cirrus clouds

Sun and cirrus clouds

High pressure conditions.

The day will be mostly sunny, with a few dense clouds passing through at times.

Temperatures rise to highs of 19° to 25°.

Mountain weather: Sun and cirrus clouds

High pressure conditions.

The day will mostly be sunny. Above the peaks cirrus clouds will move through, dampening the sunshine at times.

Sunrise: 06:03
Sunset: 20:23

© Weather Service Südtirol