
Forecast for today, 26.04.2024

Sun and clouds

Sun and clouds

The upper level flow will turn to southwest, bringing more humid air masses closer to the Alps.

Cloudy skies with some sunny spells. Some local showers can be possible during the day.

Maximum temperatures between 11° in Sterzing and 17° in the Bolzano basin.

Mountain weather: Sun and clouds

The upper level flow will turn to southwest, bringing more humid air masses closer to the Alps.

Variable weather in the mountains. Clouds will reduce visibility and some showers will occur during the day.

Sunrise: 06:09
Sunset: 20:18

Forecast for tomorrow, 27.04.2024

Variably cloudy

Variably cloudy

Southwesterly currents will still bring moist air masses towards South Tyrol.

Generally cloudy skies with some sunny spells. Occasional showers will be possible.

Temperatures rising slightly with maximums between 12° and 19°.

Mountain weather: Variably cloudy

Southwesterly currents will still bring moist air masses towards South Tyrol.

Even in the mountains, the weather will be variable with some clouds and sunny spells. Occasional showers will be possible. Temperatures rising slightly. Strong southwesterly winds at altitude.

Sunrise: 06:07
Sunset: 20:19

© Weather Service Südtirol